Since 2003, the KC Chamber Orchestra has offered free 50-minute Classical Adventures performances to students in the 3rd through 12th grades.
Click the link below to register!

The Kansas City Chamber Orchestra believes that the arts are an integral part of education. The Chamber Orchestra developed its Educational Outreach Program, Classical Adventures, to address the shortage of professional arts experiences for students in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. The goal is to provide high-quality classical music programs for young people who otherwise would have limited or no access to these educational opportunities. The program is designed to introduce students to a live classical music performance in a professional concert setting. Since
reduced funding for arts education is a reality, the KCCO has maintained its commitment to
produce free programs for the schools in our area.

KCCO Kid's Concert
In addition to attending a concert, students have the opportunity to gain a much greater understanding of the music – its form, time and place. From its inception, educational materials have been a major component of this program. The curriculum materials are developed specifically for each concert for use by the music teacher, classroom teacher, or librarian. Every effort is made to incorporate at least one other discipline in to the orchestra's materials.
Separate lesson plans include a biography of the composers, information on the orchestra's instruments, concert etiquette, and a CD with recordings or excerpts of the music that will be performed. At least three of the lessons for each concert meet national education standards. Teachers are encouraged to duplicate and/or share the packet of materials with other faculty members.
Many of the schools that attend the Educational Outreach Program are either Title I or ESL designated schools. Title I provides federal funding for schools to help students who are behind or who are at risk of falling behind academically. Funding is based on the number of low-income children in a school, which is generally determined by the number of students eligible for the free lunch program. ESL schools provide language support for schools that have 40% of more students for whom English is a second language.
For more information call 816-960-1324, email Marybeth Sorrell, or complete and return the reservation form below.